THE death of Africa’s foremost writer, critic and
cultural pathologist, Chinualumogu Albert Achebe is a great loss to a
world where the wisdom of sacred spoken and written words is observed
with high reverence.
A way to measure the loss could be the quantum of
tributes that have continued to pour in from writers, Presidents across
the world, the Senate of State of New York, the Archbishop of Canterbury
and the National Assembly.
They eulogised Achebe as a penetrating writer with
acute imagination, as a global citizen with outstanding concerns for the
world’s problems. Achebe, like Okonkwo, the hero of his famous novel,
The iconic novel told the African story with African perspectives.
By telling the African tale in an English manner,
Achebe employed the English language in a way that made it carry the
beauty, colour and tradition of African spoken art and weight of
experience. His significance as writer further
lent credence with the import which he brought through his peculiar way
of writing to the ethnographic and ethno poetical aesthetics of African
literature, history and tradition.
Besides creative writing which established Achebe’s
fame in the world of letters, he was also an important critic and
essayist. One of his most important works was “An Image of Africa:
Racism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness” published in Massachusetts Review.
18. 1977. It was a response to the stereotypical images bandied about
Africa by colonial writers and administrators about the continent as a
place of perpetual darkness and underdevelopment.
His political views were built into his artistic
visions, which were credibly and beautifully conveyed by his arresting
fictional characters. Achebe rejected national honours twice to
demonstrate his disapproval of how Nigeria was being managed. He loved
Nigeria with great concern.
The publication, last year, of the controversial,
There Was A Country, an autobiographical narrative that engaged
Nigeria’s history from the colonial times through the different civilian
and military regimes down to the civil war was his parting shot.
Achebe was a great mentor. He was the founder of
Association of Nigerian Authors, ANA, the popular Okike Journal of
Creative Writing at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He was first
Editor of African Writers Series of Heinemann Publishers, he helped
nurture and published many renowned African writers including Ngugi wa
Thiong’o of Kenya, Ayi Kwei Armah of Ghana, Okot p’Bitek of Uganda and
Mongo Beti of Cameroon.
Achebe died abroad, an unhappy man at 82. In the
Igbo tradition, he should have lived among his people to uphold the ofo,
staff of authority of his family. He did not recover from the scars of
the civil war. He bore till death, the scars from a car accident that
made him wheel-chair bound. He would be interred in his native town
Ogidi today.
He would be remembered for his candour, humanism, insight, intellect,
traditionalism and as a great family man whose humility translated to
respect for humanity.
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