Unclad pictures are beginning to dominate the Nigerian Twitter space as the act is fast becoming fashionable among young ladies.

One of the objectives ladies who engage in this act seek to achieve
is to break into trending topics on the social service and ultimately
build a huge Twitter following and gain cheap popularity.
Ladies who have made this act a hobby employ hashtags to string
together these obscene pictures to get them easily noticeable by other
Twitter users. For instance, some of them use hashtags such as
#boobsmonday, #boobsfriday and post their unclad photographs.
Other girls equally interested are lured into posting their own
unclad pictures on the social site by employing the use of the hashtags
for the day — such as #boobstuesday on a Tuesday, which make their
unclad pictures travel fast and go viral.

One of the typical Twitter female
users of the social network who engage in this act is one with the
name, Pretty Osaro. Osaro posted three unclad pictures of herself on May
15, each showing her in different positions. On her handle she says,
‘’I wanna be famous, doesn’t matter how many guys…’’
She went on to lament that
her previous Twitter account was suspended and lashed out at those who
reported her via the Twitter Help Center for posting offensive contents.
‘’My previous account was suspended, if you don’t like what I do kindly unfollow or f..k out of my timeline,’’ she says.
In the usual manner in which desperate girls seeking fame on social
media do, Osaro has at one time or the other reached out to celebrities
who make use of Twitter to retweet her to the hundreds of thousands of
their fans.
The day Osaro posted her unclad pictures on the social service, she tweeted the same picture to Nigerian music artistes — Wizkid and Davido with — a view to getting them retweet the pictures.
She has also sought the help of American socialite and TV personality, Kim Kardashian who has over
17 million Twitter followers. Tweeting at Kardashian, she says, “Am I
not hotter than @Kimkardashian? @KimKardashian, I love you so much
please retweet me.’’
Other Twitter users with the names Bayelsa Queen and Ha Royal
Sexcellency regularly trend on Twitter, posting their unclad pictures.
Besides, there is a unclad picture being credited to one Adefope
Temilola, which has been circulating on Twitter for over two months.
A new
media enthusiast, Tunji Lardner, describes the development as a “really
bad behaviour’’, adding that typical youthful aspirations are now being
amplified globally by social media. He adds that with the current level
of under-development in the country, Nigerian youths — both male and
female, should redirect their youthful vigour to hold political leaders
accountable for their misdeeds with the new media technologies.
He says, “These are invariably young and immature people grappling
with the need for popularity and acclaim from their peers. This is just
another manifestation of the ongoing breakdown of our social order and
the loss of parental control and oversight of our digital children with
analog parents.’’
Lardner who is the Executive Director, West Africa NGO Network, warns
that those engaged in the act risk the negative consequences and urges
them to move towards changing the content and quality of their online
He says, “Everything lives forever on the Internet. Those pictures
posted will be archived and someday retrieved, and can most certainly
come back to haunt you, perhaps when you are looking for a job or even
when you want to get married.’’
“Those involved can start by changing the quality and contents of
their online discourse. Use these powerful technologies to interrogate
the political system, ask the tough questions, find the tough answers
and hold their leaders accountable for their misdeeds.’’
Speaking on the ways of stemming the tide in the country, he observes
that it is difficult to legislate morality on a global and virtual
platform like the Internet. According to him, the responsibility for the
moral tone and content of youth participation in social media still
rests with society at large.
“Their engagement on these platforms and the quality of their
discourse is a direct reflection of the society’s prevailing norms. But
there should be an understood code of conduct that is widely
disseminated, spelling out the pitfalls of the dark side of social
“Perhaps the traditional media can help evolve this standard, and
there is no need to reinvent the wheel. There is a considerable body of
work that deal with youth and the use of social media,’’ he adds.